
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dwadasa Aditya Tila

This is the place where Sri Krishna rested after performing Kalinga nardanam. During the lila with the snake Kalinga, Sri Krishna had to be inside the Yamuna river for long times because of the fact that his body became very chill. So, after enacting this lila of controlling the garva of Kalingan snake, he went above a small hill. In order to serve their master, 12 Sooriyas descended to that place and helped Sri Krishna’s body get warm. This is the reason behind this place being called Dwadasa Aditya Tila. Dwadasa = 12 Aditya = Sooriya. It so happened that Sri Krishnas’ body started sweating with the sudden heat and this sweat has become a small “Prascanda Theerta”